Paris Christmas Crap: Place Vendôme
0 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 12/03/2011 06:07:00 PM.

Oh my lord, it's Christmas time once again and Paris has geared up its ugly decorations as usual. How sad to see that the city of arts and lights never manages to live up to its reputation when it comes to spending a decent buck on a less cheap looking enhancement for the end of year holidays.
Place Vendôme with all its high end luxury boutiques really outdoes itself each year in coming up with a new and even less creative way to recycle once again its modulable bunch of cheap looking white plastic tubes into a new constellation.
A few years ago they bundled them up to look like disillusioned anorexic xmas trees drawn up by some constructivist amateur on acid.
This time they tried to go for something vaguely resembling snow flake patterns... snow flakes as if they were built by a group of kindergardeners under the direction of a floral arangement maker who lost interest in life. Paint them in black and you actually get a quite satisfying display of dead trees drawn by Tim Burton.
The lights added to these sculpties don't necessarily enhance the experience.
Labels: Nonsensical rambling, Paris street stuff (NOT a TOILET), photography
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