"Infotainment? What the hell are you talking about?"

Samson Tires: A Sargonide Palace in central Los Angeles

Where else would you find a 1930s replica of a Persian palace than in crazy L.A.? The Samson Tire company wanted to have something dashing in design for their new tire plant and rubber company (the name Samson was chosen because it symbolizes strength and endurance...).
Adolph Schleicher, president of the company, wanted to include a Samson and Delilah motif on the main building, therefore ordered the architects Morgan, Walls and Clements to design the front wall in the style of King Sargon II's palace, a 7th Century B.C. ancient Assyrian palace complete with pillars, towers and stone bas-reliefs depicting mythological figures.
Coincidentally, Babylonian king Sargon's palace covered 23-acres and Schleicher's plant covered the same amount of land. The grand opening ceremony was held in 1930. After the closing of the tire company the building got converted into an outlet shopping mall. Now you can shop in style ...

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Lesser known Female Artists






Odd man out...


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Moo Cows and other Fun Stuff

Blue Moo
Yellow Moo
Spooky lady

She does fit in well
Gnoma & Snamap, your local shop for everything guérisseur-magnétiseur-like
Looks like major spring cleaning

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And they usually say "eat like god in France", but rarely would one wonder why on earth (or where on earth for that matter) he would keep his oversized calendar of events on the piazza of Beaubourg...
Too bad the rain has washed the entries away, let's hope god has a good memory...



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wall of fame, Beaubourg

The ghosts of capitalism past
The spirit of the red people

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How on Earth did he get up there?

'I can has window view'

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Gidget goin' on a trip

Old Kitty Friends at the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Look familiar to you? The kitties are back, and this time they are part of an exhibition at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, where every year in March, Mikhail Piotrovsky, the director of the museum organizes 'March Cat Day' in order to celebrate the museum's legendary cats, that make sure no mice infest the vast collections.
The exhibition is being held in the attic spaces above the state rooms inside the magnificient Winter Palace.
A recent friend of mine in Saint Petersburg suggested I send in some photos of cats, and voilà: a few days later Lilo and Stitch, the former 'Sunset-Park Kitties' (now known as the 'Forrest-Hills Kitties') hang printed and framed among other furry friends. It is an honor for me to have been a part of this fun event in such a historic place.

Lilo and Stich are a Scott & Will trademark.
ll photos of the exibition are copyright to Vyacheslav Alferov.
And many thanks to Elena.

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The Louvre Decorative Arts Section: Opening soon?

While the wing containing decorative arts and furniture from the 18th century is undergoing extensive renovation and restructuration, only a few chosen pieces are on display until the rooms open up again at the end of 2012. Enjoy!










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A little touch of Green

Galerie Vivienne is going green grass for Easter, a welcome touch of nature in an area where people don't really walk on fresh soil all day long.




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What to Wear in Paris

One of these 2 is overdressed...can you guess which one? But then again, at Art Paris you can never be overdressed, because most of the contemporary sculpture there is butt-naked anyway. Spotted at the Grand Palais.
Ah, yes, the return of the matching jungle outfit. All she needs is a helmet now. Spotted on the Pompidou piazza.
It's cute, it's small, it's fuzzy... it's a hip granny! Spotted behind musée Carnavalet
You go girl!

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Meet the New Ceiling at the Louvre

The new ceiling artwork installed in the Salle des Bronzes of the Louvre finally opened up o the public today. The result is amazingly simple in concept, and yet very inspiring in the color tones, that really set off the once dull gray ceiling of this monumental room.
One also becomes aware of the full size of the room after watching the photo diaporama on the evolution of Cy Twombly's latest brainchild. Who will be next to exercise his artistic talents inside the hollowed halls of the Louvre?
cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

cy twombly ceiling, louvre

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    I am Cedric, discoverer of things that would go unnoticed in the streets of Paris, historic haven of fashionistas and city of lights ('lights' as in 'enlightenment', not street lights).
    But seriously: I'm an expat from Luxembourg (the country, not the garden), living in the center of Paris (hence 'Paris 2nd arrondissement'), and currenlty studying architectural history...

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    places to go and weird stories to know about the city of lights... Improve your brain's useless knowledge parts, impress your neighbors, raise the roof, and anoy your friends with these funny facts and places

  • FOODBUCKS - Paris.

    The not yet complete map of all the places I have had the joy (or disgust) to get food.

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PARIS 2e: Mindboggling since 2006 * All rights reserved * Copyright Cedric Benetti 2010