More on the Endangered Cabinet des Médailles at the National Library
0 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 3/02/2010 02:11:00 PM.
Help us create awareness on the fact that the oldest museum in France, founded in 1666 and formerly the collections of the kings of France and an internationally reknown institution, will cease its existence inside the old national library in Paris, and no real plans have been made by officials to maintain the collections for public display.

The Cabinet des Médailles ranks with the Amerbach Cabinet in Basel (opened in 1671) and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford (opened in 1683) as one of the world’s oldest museums, and should not even slightly be considered on being closed down. It will only be a matter of weeks now until these masterpieces will be packed up into crates and be stored away, out of sight, out of mind.

Join the Facebook group to stay updated on the Cabinet, and please sign the online petition as well. The museum needs to see more visitors as well during this hard time, so if ever you are in the area of the old national library go and pay them a visit, they're open every day from 1PM to 6PM.
Labels: Art, exhibitions, MUSEUMS, photography, SARKONOMICS
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