Happy Birthday Paris2e!
13 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 4/04/2009 07:55:00 PM.

It's already been 2 years! Thank you to all my readers and commentators for sticking with me for so long without going nuts. The birthday picture this year ended up a bit too cheesy for my taste, so please refer to the birthday log from last year to get a good laugh out of this event:
Labels: celebrations
Joyeaux Anniversaire! Happy Anniversary! Love your photos on a daily basis!
Congratulations and my, aren't we looking a bit Prince-like today.
Congrats. Congrats. I'll just need a few minutes to get used to the new avatar. But I always take time to adjust to changes.
Happy second birthday! Love your photos, wit and talent. Keep up the good work.
Happy birthday !
Happy Birthday...happy we have Paris 2e.
Love your new picture!
Happy birthday Paris2e! My second anniversary will be on June! How fast!
p/s : I've seen that post they made me laugh. :)
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Birthday! ... Cedric, et Paris2e
et à tous les lecteurs, de Paris2e ...
Happy Birthday! ... Cedric, and Paris2e
and to all the readers, of Paris2e
Many congratz! Great job, keep it up!!
Bon Anniversaire pour Paris 2e. et bon courage cedric.
By : Syifa (Indonesia)