From Horses to Shopping Carts: The Versailles Tourists don't wanna see
3 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 2/19/2009 08:51:00 PM.
The royal horsestables of Versailles, built in 1681 by Hardouin-Mansart used to be a heaven for horses. Then in the 20th century, an art school moved in the unused spaces of one of the Ecuries.

A prestigious place of the muses...

...and a majestic display of horses...

...and abandoned shopping carts. Yes. Shopping carts. Special shopping carts. With green stuff growing inside.

Now you may ask "wtf". But I am sure there is a logical explanation to all this. Maybe it is a mobile arboretum. Or a homeless guy's private garden. Or maybe it is a separatist colony of plants who just prefer their own mobility over a nice spot in a public park. Who knows. Try to interview a plant. It is not easy.

My last guess: could be a secret burial ground where plants come to die. Stupid, but at least it gives tourists the opportunity to witness something else in Versailles in stead of a castle stuffed with heavy mass-tourism all year round.

Labels: and now for something completely different, Art, Paris street stuff (NOT a TOILET), urban art
Incredibly odd. And what were you doing lurking around back? I think it was one of the teacher's doings; you know the rep that artists have.
you're very creative. you capture everything!!
keep posting =]
What an absolutely lovely collection of photographs you have here on your blog! I was immediately drawn to your images of the Palace of Versailles. It looks stunning. But no matter how gorgeous the architecture of that structure might be, I was more interested in these shopping carts with plants in them, hence the comment. I am not sure who did that or why, but no matter. I think it's funky and I really appreciate funky things; out of the ordinary situations and imagery. Great shots! Fantastic!