Diane Pernet, the Shades of Fashion
5 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 2/11/2009 11:05:00 AM.
Not since I accidentally ran into Karl Lagerfeld at the Paris Photo Salon have I been bedazzled by the perfectness of shades on a wonderfully white face. Add red lipstick and a beehive to die for and you got yourself Diane Pernet, grande blogueuse of all fashion aficionados in Paris.
We met her yesterday for a teatime interview with Nirit (Interview is coming up soon I bet).
Diane snapping us. Results on her blog.
Labels: FASHION, like buttah, people, photography
Diane Pernet, grande blogueuse of all fashion aficionados in Paris.
Wow!...Her blog is almost to "die for"...Cool blog!
Nice pix as usual!
Merci! Beaucoup!
The "Dame"
cOol. i gotta check that!! =DD
Diane! j'ai eu la chance de la photographier! Toujours un mot gentil et un sourire de fée!
In the first picture, I thought she was Angelica Houston...
She has a great blog...(went down to see hers...)
my interview of Ms Diane Pernet is up: http://www.parispopcorn.com/2009/02/diane-pernet.html