"Infotainment? What the hell are you talking about?"

Morally bankrupting the blogosphere

Since this morning apparently some *$%!!ers from some weirdly anonymous blog keep stealing all my blog posts. Yes, I say stealing! There is a difference between imitating and copy-pasting the codes of my blog and reposting it along with the text and pics completely identically and not even linking back to me. ... some people just dont have any creativity!
I hereby warn you in case you got a blog, because I found lots of my blogposts there but also lots of other peoples posts. So, be ye warned and go check them out to see if they steal from you too.

I would obviously completely refuse to post those !*:ù^$rs address on this post (which obviously I will find on their blog in a couple of hours I bet, so wink wink irony!), but I just post it to warn people. Keep your blogs safe and your intellectual property as safe if you can.

The fraudulent blog (obviously without a hyperlink because they don't deserve one):

People say imitation is the best kind of flatery you can get, but there are some folks that just are way too electroencephallographically challenged to comprehend the fact that stealing other people's work in such a blunt way is just stupid.

There I said it! And I really have better things to do right now than to post an angry rant here. I'd rather post some pics ...

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9 Responses to “Morally bankrupting the blogosphere”

  1. # Blogger Dominica

    Losers ! Leave Cedric alone !
    Innovate, don't imitate !  

  2. # Blogger Elene

    whattt that is insane!!!!  

  3. # Blogger Dakota Bear

    Sad to hear this is happening.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It is so sad to see how dumb and lazy people are becoming. I really enjoy your posts. Yaffa  

  5. # Blogger Manhattans in Boston

    Cedric, do not despair. You are inimitable.

    That said, I, humbly and shamefacedly, admit that I went to the site and didn't see anything that you had posted copied there. Granted, I am a technopeasant and have no business making that claim with only a cursory look. I guess I got stopped in my tracks by the item about Amato Opera closing. A friend of mine - who I met in Paris - sings with them.

    Now please, go out and take more pictures. It is far too cold here for me to even attempt anything but getting from the house to the train to the office and back again. And I did see the most amazing fashion faux pas this morning and so wanted to snap a photo.

    Do the boys in Paris wear their pants really low? This was really, really low, way past the tops of the underwear showing...I'm talking below the curve of the bum. OK, enough about me...keep up the great work.  

  6. # Blogger Cedric Benetti

    No worries dear friends, the fraudulent blog in question erased my posts from their site and actually also started to post the sources their articles got "stolen" from. I guess my complaints worked.

    Thanks for the support my friends!  

  7. # Blogger Luminousvue

    Sorry about that, Cedric - exposing them is good. But ah, you are the real Cedric with the real, authentic Cedric site.

    *One and only!*

    I have written posts recommending your blog, and posts, pictures, etc., but linking to you.

    That's what my site does - reccommends variety - never copies.

    But if you don't want me to - just let me know!



  8. # Blogger ratatouille's archives

    I did visit the site in question earlier in the day and yes, your post(s) was listed on their website.Therefore, I am so glad to hear/read that the "matter" was finally "rectified."

    Darkcitydame ;-)  

  9. # Blogger Kim

    Cedric, I read with interest that your blog, like mine, had been hijacked and now the problem seems solved. You might like to know how they do it. They aggregate your RSS feed with those of others (like the news readers do). They generally do this to drive traffic to the Google Ads they carry on their site. If one complains to Google Ads about these abusers, Google will pull their ads and the site has no reason to stay open anymore. I've had it happen twice now, and I've heard it is getting more and more common. There are some RSS feed safeguards one can take to make it less likely to happen, but quick follow up and reviewing unusual use of your work via your feed stats seems to be the best prevention. Good luck, and best to you!
    Seattle Daily Photo  

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