"Infotainment? What the hell are you talking about?"

CHANEL we can believe in

CHANEL, you said?
Politics and fashion seem to go hand in hand once again, otherwise Obama wouldn't ask for that much CHANEL for the American people.
It all started with Barack Obama's "CHANEL we can believe in." Hillary Clinton then picked up the theme with "CHANEL you can count on." Even John McCain, who's been in Congress for more than quarter a century, is promising, "CHANEL is coming." It's clear Americans are looking for CHANEL in this election - or at least the candidates think that's where the voters are.

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We all need CHANEL!
CHANEL we can believe in!

This November, go CHANEL!

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The Weirdness of Alternative Movie Madness from that Parallel Universe you always wanted to hear about

Ever wondered why a half-eaten dog falls from the sky or why cats don't really make good machine guns? And what about the role Luxembourg played in the search for eternal good cheer?
Find out by watching yourself dumb on the following video marvels!


Pulch: The Good Times

The World Within Socks

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confusing map of the metropolitain from 1923

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A vintage map of the metropolitain from 1937

Notice the indication of the area used for the '37 World Exhibition between Trocadero and Concorde (all station names that are in boxes are part of the exhibition area)

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Back in Paris

99 Luftballons

A balloon replica of a German Panther tank, created by German artist Hans Hemmert in 2007
after a few weeks, the balloons started to deflate and the tank shrunk into a pile of rubber, to the biggest joy of a group of kids who started jumping around on them to pop them.

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Luxembourg City Historic Walk (part deux)

OK, so last time we left at the Chamber of Deputies, so we take up our tour where we left it, in front of the grand-ducal palace, at the "Krautmaart" (meaning "Herbal Market", the name of the street, and also the place where the medieval market was situated. But as the Chamber of Deputies building is located on Krautmaart, 'Krautmaart' is used as a metonymy for the Luxembourgish legislature.

the Grand-Ducal Palace, dating back to Renaissance times of 1572 when it served as town hall. Then renovated it became the prefecture headquarters under the French occupancy in 1795. Then it served as residence of the governor in 1817 under the Dutch occupation. With the accession of the House of Nassau-Weilburg in 1890, the palace was reserved exclusively for the Grand Duke and his family.
grand ducal palace

During the German occupation in WWII, the Grand Ducal Palace was used by the Nazis as a concert hall and tavern. Extensive damage was done and much of the palace's furniture and art collections was ruined. With the return of Grand Duchess Charlotte from exile in 1945, the palace once again became the seat of the Grand Ducal Court.grand ducal palace

grand ducal palace

grand ducal palace

The Chamber of Deputies holds session in the Hôtel de la Chambre, located on Krautmaart. It was originally built between 1858-1860 as an annex to the Grand Ducal Palace, which had, until then, been used as one of many venues for the Chamber's convocations. The building was designed by Antoine Hartmann in a unified historicist style, combining elements of neo-Gothic, neo-Renaissance, and neo-classical architectural genres.



the new justice courts, still not finished, and matching in style the old city buildings, in order not to break the harmonious general view
new justice courts

view onto the plateau du Rahm and parts of the Wenzel fortification wall
city views

in the "Breedewee", the street going down, passing the old gates of the city and ending up in the Grund
rue large

The new courts of justice
new justice courts

the main building bearing four monumental atlantes, holding the facade together
new justice courts

new justice courts

the protestant church
protestant church

protestant church

ministry of the government and office of the prime minister, this is the Hotel de Bourgogne, in the governmental area of the city, surrounding place Clairefontaine
ministry of the government, office of the prime minister

Place Clairefontaine with the monument to Grand-Duchess Charlotte
place clairefontaine

In Hotel Saint Maximin (1751), the Ministry of foreign affairs has nowadays its offices
ministry of foreign affairs

the door to foreign affairs
door to ministry of foreign affairs

yet another streetcorner with a pieta in it
corner of rue notre dame

look at the detailing in the ironwork for those window bars, they bear arms
arms in windows

the towers of the cathedral
cathedral towers

On Place Guillaume II stands an equestrian statue of Grand-Duke William II
In Luxembourgish, this place is known as "Knuedler", from the Luxembourgish word for 'knot' (Knuet), referring to the knot in the belt worn by Franciscan friars since this site was originally a franciscan monastery

the trash can on the Knuedler
knuedler can

knuedler can

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Luxembourg City Historic Walk (part 1)

Going for a stroll through Luxembourg's old city parts and hunting down historic buildings and places of interest from various ages. Let's hope it won't rain today, since the sky is very cloudy.

Wonderful art nouveau window frames in the main shopping street, almost ignored by the busy shoppers below them
art nouveau roof windows

the tower of "Conrot's Eck" building (1897), with the red lion, national symbol of pride and identity, visible below the bulb
conrot's eck tower

further below, a pieta from 1570 is installed inside the building's corner, as a reminder of its former tenants, the guild house of the city's butchers and bakers
conrot's eck pieta

a look down south from Conrot's Eck, onto the "Lentzen Eck" building
conrot's eck, view down to lentzen eck

the view onto rue du Nord, a tiny narrow street with shops and restaurants
old city streets

the former palace of justice, dating back to 1565 when it was the governor's palace
former high court of justice

behind the new national museum
behind the national museum

the former tavern of the "welle mann" (wild man)
beim welle mann tavern

footbridge connecting parts of the museum
passage connection for national museum

one of the main entrance gates of the medieval city was through this tunnel
old city gate

the "wild man" giving its name to the building whose corner side he occupies
welle mann


these streets are again packed with ugly graffit
rue wiltheim

fragments of coats of arms above an ancient door

a golden pieta

this unseeing little hole is called "Scheieschlach" and it was the oldest road leading into the city, dating back to Roman times. unfortunately the road doesn't exist anymore today, and the hole leads onto an interior court and gardens with a view

down we go now

to get a view onto the other plateau in front of us, where the skyscrapers of Kirchberg and institutional buildings for the EU popped out between the trees and former ramparts of the fortress. the towers on the left are the European Court of Justice, on the right we see the MUDAM and the future building of the national library. tiny on the right lower part is a spanish tower
view kirchberg

and back out of Scheieschlach we go again

a freshly renovated door

a former convent and hospital, awaiting renovation work. currently its a retirement home, but it will soon be turned into expensive appartments with amazing views
former convent and hospital

Now this is a real treat for us: the oldest house in the city. It got used as a city hall in the 10th century and as a police post under the french occupation. Since 1824 has this place been a tavern
ennert de steiler

at the back side of the grand-ducal palace, a detailed medallion shows Ermesinde I, countess of Luxembourg from 1197-1247
palace ermesinde

a heavily decorated door in the street behind the palace, belonging to the former 'Hotel de Luxembourg'. The 'Café Francais' was installed in this house from 1807-1837, and even served as a stage to theater troupes.
old door

the sculptures on the roof of the government house

view onto the towers of the cathedral notre dame

archaeological excavations in the rue de l'eau
archeological excavations

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    I am Cedric, discoverer of things that would go unnoticed in the streets of Paris, historic haven of fashionistas and city of lights ('lights' as in 'enlightenment', not street lights).
    But seriously: I'm an expat from Luxembourg (the country, not the garden), living in the center of Paris (hence 'Paris 2nd arrondissement'), and currenlty studying architectural history...

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