"Infotainment? What the hell are you talking about?"

American Building Luxembourg

The "American Building" in Luxembourg city gets its name from the travel agency that was situated here until 1937, which provided more than 16000 Luxembourgish emigrants with a transatlantic passage to their new home in the US. Good thing it still stands today as a symbolic link between the US and Luxembourg.

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Luxembourg Renovatio 2008

I*m finally back in Luxembourg again for a bit, in order to redesign my old bedroom (aka the storage room) into something less cramped and filled with stuff that doesn*t make me feel at home in there.

Also I get to spend time with this crazy humpin*jumpin*hairbag here:



Look at how cute my current room is! :) Oooh look at my Erik inside the mirror of my powder table. He*s almost here with me...


Paris Mouse Hunt

Pepsicola soon to move to Luxembourg?


CNN nostalgia

Ah, the good old days of cheesy TV, when CNN was still in its infant years, and things could get messed up just as easily as possible.
Ooh, remember election year 94? good times...with bad hairdos and too large shoulderpads...

Oh and even more fun on this one!
I just love weather report guys on TV. What name is Flip Spiceland anyways? Flip? Spice?...

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Ego stroking at St Michel fountain

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distributing free drinks at Place St Michel

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Space Invader

Space Invader is a street artist who pastes up characters from and inspired by the Space Invaders game, made up of small coloured square tiles. He does this in cities across the world, then documents this as an "Invasion", with maps of where to find each invader. He started this project in 1998 with the invasion of Paris.

The locations for the mosaics are not random, but are chosen according to diverse criteria, which may be aesthetic, strategic or conceptual. Invader favours locations that are frequented by many people, but also likes some more hidden locations. In Montpellier, the locations of mosaics were chosen so that, when placed on a map, they form an image of a space invader character. The mosaics are built in advance, and Invader travels with them.
When he arrives in a city he obtains a map and spends at least a week to install them. They are catalogued, and Invader draws a map indicating their locations within the city. For some time, Invader has employed a professional photographer to take pictures of each mosaic.
One of the more prominent places where the mosaics have been installed is the Hollywood Sign. The first was placed on the letter D on December 31, 1999.

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Not only did I inherit the Candy Kennedy magazine collection, but I now also play host to 50 percent of the official Kennedy Private Menagerie, aka "the mouse". Thank goodness it*s only till the end of next month.
We get along quite well, considering the fact that I don*t know any mouse-related topics we could discuss, except maybe comparing the taste of cheeses (I think chekoslovakian goatmilk cheese is quite the top considering the fact that Venezuelan beaver cheese tastes like a dead baby). Also she drives me crazy with her spinning wheel. At 5 in the morning. Gah.
I forgot the name of that little spaghetti-tail, and I have no clue on whether she is a he or a she.
Erik and I decided to call her Pepsicola. Cocacola was too obvious. I would also have settled with "Starbucks"...

In order for her not to rot in that small cage forever, I try to take her out for a "walk" or such.
Today she took a hair-expedition of Mount Toiletbrush.
What on earth do you think you*re doing? Get away!


The vague-human-rights-concept people*s fear

Yesterday the Mayor of paris unveiled this huge banner on city hall, just in time to in-your-face the Beijing olympic flame. Chinese officials the called the planned ceremony in front of city hall off in in last minute. In your face! In your face!
"Paris defends the human rights everywhere in the world"
Even on Notre Dame, the flag for "Reportes without Borders" was flying high as the flame passed by.
And let*s not forget the Eiffel Tower.
Check out Reporters without Borders!

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"It*s on, it*s off" -The Olympic Flame*s Chaotic Day in Paris.


"Ah, let the light of that olympic flame enlighten my spirit!"

Well yes, but don*t get too close to it!
Not because you might get burned, but you just might get beaten and arrested...

Obviously everyone knows about the global protesting of the olympics in Beijing, so I won*t go into details on all things free-Tibet style. We know the story, now get the pictures.

I just got out of my last class at the Louvre, when I got a phonecall from my mom.
"Don*t go out into the streets, it*s dangerous outside with all those protesters, don*t get into trouble!"

Obviously I had to go check that one out a bit closer, and half an hour later my friend and me were waiting for that "Olympic spirit" to pass by on Place de la Concorde.

Activists had promised a day of "spectacular" protests despite the high-level security surrounding the torch, whose passage Sunday across London was disrupted several times by protestors. Paris police had vowed to secure a perimeter of some 200 metres around the flame.

The torchbearers were protected by a cordon of 65 motorcycle police, 100 jogging firemen, another 100 police on roller blades and nearly 50 vehicles with more than 200 riot police and almost a hundred cars, police busses, bikes and so on. A stunning array of security for such a ridiculously small thing as a burning flame.

And especially ridiculous if you keep in mind that we got a smoking ban in Paris now ;)

Moments after the Olympic torch set off from the Eiffel Tower earlier, protests forced the organisers to extinguish the torch, and place the flame on the accompanying bus for safety.

The torchbearers were forced on and off the bus at least four times until organisers finally cut short the relay, skipping a planned ceremony at Paris city hall because the situation got out of control as some Paris city officials from the green party were waving pro-Tibet banners out of the windows.

Paris's Socialist mayor Bertrand Delanoe planned to unfurl a giant banner over city hall in defence of human rights.

A large number of depuies at the National Assembly also interrupted their work and went onto the steps of the Assembly building, manifesting themselves with big Tibet banners as well.

So far for the storyline, now enjoy some pics I took of the "flame of discord"!

Ah, we all love miles and miles of anti-riot barriers!

The rollerblades patrol on duty

You come see flame!

This is where fun always happens in Paris: Place de la Concorde! From the guillotine to the Beijing olymplic flame!

He was definitely up to something...

No, this is not the olympic flame

Say, those fountains were on a few minutes ago. Are we a bit afraid of some water next to an open flame?

Hei-ho hei-ho! Off to work we go!


Now here comes trouble!

The olympic...flame... somewhere....
well this was the opening sequence of anti-riot vans...

...followed by anti-riot officers on foot sealing off the perimeter

Oh here you can spot the relay runner in white, waiting for the previous runner to be brought here.

Tibet flags start to rise next to the National Assembly...

and more anti-riot police guarding "suspicious people"

...somewhere here possibly a flame?

AHAH! The flame! You have to look closely to spot it

...the flame*s surrounding wall of security

...and more security...

...and more security...

...still more security driving by...

...still the security driving by...

and now we all RUN!

more security running... almost bumping into us...

ok now that*s it! let*s go home!

Oh some enthousiasts following the flame...

and making a final run to follow the spirit of the Olympics... or maybe they*re just anti-riot police fanatics...

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The World of Shit

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Hadid*s Space Opera

Zaha Hadid*s project for the Performing Arts Centre for Saadiyat Island, United Arab Emirates

The structure will be housing 5 theatres: a music hall, concert hall, opera house, drama theatre and a flexible theatre with a combined seating capacity for 6,300. The Centre may also house an Academy of Performing Arts.

It will be located next to the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi – a contemporary art museum, which will be the only one of its kind in the Middle East, designed by Frank Gehry, Jean Nouvel of France is designing the Classical Museum, while Japan’s Tadao Ando is designing the Maritime Museum.

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    I am Cedric, discoverer of things that would go unnoticed in the streets of Paris, historic haven of fashionistas and city of lights ('lights' as in 'enlightenment', not street lights).
    But seriously: I'm an expat from Luxembourg (the country, not the garden), living in the center of Paris (hence 'Paris 2nd arrondissement'), and currenlty studying architectural history...

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