8 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Friday, November 28, 2008 at 11/28/2008 05:35:00 PM.
On the night between November 26th and 27th, some mysterious group pasted numerous hundreds of posters in some streets of Paris, depicting the colorful face of Sarkozy in the now mythical Obama campaign style. The posters have different slogans ranging from "Producing a clean ecological source of energy" to "Create one million fixed jobs", followed by a big "Yes we can!"

No activist group has yet claimed responsibility for this widespread and well orchestrated action, but judging by the amount of money spent on such a campaign, it can't be the secret art project of some students over at the Beaux-Arts...

Interstingly the areas the posters can be found (the pictures here are taken next to my apartment in the second arrondissement) are all strong voters of the political left, such as the Marais, Bastille, Republique and other parts of the city.
Labels: drunk politicians, Obamalicious, Paris street stuff (NOT a TOILET), Politics, SARKONOMICS, Sarkozyland, street art
After a few days of seeing photos of these things I can't figure out if this is irony or not...
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yeah right...Intellectual...
even more ironic is that the americans have been plundering french cinema for years and at least the french had the high ground in politics. oh well egalite and all that!
voila!, the twisted little gnome of le grande paris!... sorry..
i live in DC. so of course I've seen plenty of Obama campaign ads. wen i initially saw the photos you took, i thought it was a copy cat or something of that nature. after reading the captions i got the message. more ppl should say it. 'Yes We Can!' but it's obvious that it'll be cliche soon...