You ever wondered what music I may be listening to? What weird and creepy sounds might come out of my record collection? Well, I thought that I should share the best of my records with you, dear audience, to show you that I listen to regular music, just like everybody else does.
Let's have a look now, shall we? Here we go:

Hell, why not start with a lovely gospel group... a rural gospel group... an axe-swinging rural gospel group that loves to wear the clothes of the modern man in the street... If I had to pick a choice, I would chop them all off! Guys, no one wears wigs anymore! And I'm still wondering who's the butch...hmmm

"Smile grandma, you're gonna be on my new album cover!" ... Possibly, god isn't dead, but he could have at least had the pity to make dear Gertrude less ugly? And what about the booze bottles and syringe? Still I deem these songs church-worthy.

When I look at this, I get serious doubts if god is really still alive... Are you girls of legal age and consent? Do I care? No, I don't wanna see your panties.... uhhh

I used to listen to this song a lot... then I got lots of indigestions! A great diarrhea product!
(A tip: don't look at pineapples while listening to this song...)

Lesbians, this one is great when you are having your regular prolapse! It helps you keep your woman-stuff where it belongs, or does the opposite. I think there was also a song in there, but I didn't dare to open up this 'lesbian concentrate'... imagine that!

This one is lovely, I actually thought there were no more real manly farmers out there!

Oh I could explain this cover to you, but I am wayyy too occupied laughing my head off! Finally a superhero who brings hope to the average moustache-wearing guys out there. Why he married a prostitute from Kazakhstan who drives her own go-kart, I don't know... Oh and the music on this one sucks too, but the cover makes up for that! Featuring a bonus track with Alla Pugatjova farting 'god save the queen' in dutch! A festival of lyrics for every good trash can!

He's David Ingles, and he comes with his own genuine show-master smile and the cheesy background music. Satan actually got paralysed AFTER listening to this album, so the cover had to be rearranged. The original title was "I suck at this so much, even Satan couldn't listen to the crap I'm singing"

Who hasn't dreamed of having a night out in popular Moscow? Guys with plastic hair, women with plastic flowers, plastic balloons - fun!

They must have listened to your new album, Freddie. An afternoon lost for the whole family! And more!

Ok this is one of my absolute favorites! Oh the suspense: who will touch whom? And where? And will I vomit?

The Murk family! Less famous than the Brady family, but also more ugly... and flowery! My neighbor used to have the same flowery pattern on her bathroom curtains. She killed herself in her bathroom...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you miss...ter Mike Terry LIVE! And his amazing Dream coat? Oh don't tell me you're Elton Johns mother!

Do I really need to disturb you with a comment while you are laughing your ass off this one? I will just say, look closely at the love of detail in their clothes...

Now which one of these do you think is "God's Child?" It's just like the Oscars, I can't decide! Maybe Tootsie should win...

Don't play this to your cats, they may turn out lesbians! Paddy and his dog later got married in Vegas, baby! Together they have adopted a lovely stapler.

Do I have to explain this? Come on! Colonel Sanders, Tijuana, chicken wings! Doesn't he just deserve the same amount of cheap tequila and Mexican hookers any other American could get?
Still wondering why he's always smiling?

There were originally seven christian crusaders, but then one band member (whose identity has not yet been discovered) decided he could eat 3 of them, to save on bus fares!

'for the first time'. He must have been a real role model for Ricky Martin. he was also spokesperson for Lacoste and bikini-waxing inc.

"Working at the car wash"? Thank you for the ... boots! People died in these overalls I bet...
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