On my way down to the Louvre to check if my damn contemporary art results aren't on display yet (as usual, they weren't...) I passed the empty terrace of the newly opened restaurant of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs. Doesn't seem to attract much outdoor customers yet; quite unbelievable for a centrally located outdoor spot with dramatic views of the Louvre and Eiffel Tower

The ceiling painting (assembly of the gods) in the Room of the Emperors

The still closed down roman courtyard, used as storage room for antiques evacuated from their regular storage spaces, in fear for a possible flooding predicted around 2010 (the last devastating flooding took place in 1910 and left half of Paris flooded)

Let me out!

The ass of the Venus of Milo, a not-so-sought after picture spot

The Venus of Milo seems to enjoy travelling: these last months she's been moved around a couple of times already, you never know where you may find her next. She was actually kept in the room on the picture below, the 'Room of the seven chimneys', formerly used to display the scarce collection of paintings from the English school (nearly nonexistent) which is now completely empty, except for some lost paintings and a ton of disoriented tourists, seemingly seeking the Venus (I wonder if they reprinted the new location on the maps, but knowing the french efficiency... )

The back of the Louvre, with its wonderful colonnade, still closed to the public. I hope they will open it again soon

Tourists at the pyramid strutting their stuff

Putties on the roof strutting their stuff

I love taking pictures of people watching paintings

the Rembrandt room

It's just like watching TV... 'Wow, I want one of those plasma screens!'

Inside the Napoleon III rooms

Escalier Lefuel, one of my favorite staircases, originally built to give access to the never completed Imperial Library

Crates packed and ready to return to their Greek museums after a Praxiteles exhibition

Other day, other museum: the Arts Décoratifs Museum, with an exhibition of old ads

Nice hands, Jesus!

Fooling around in the elevator

He could sit on it, but it could hurt...


Remember the movie shooting from last week? guess what, they're still shooting at the very same spot...

And we are getting ready for a little fun fair: the Ferris Wheel is already turning... without any gondolas on it. Will people just have to "hang on" there?


Oh, poor chair! Broke a leg! Dead! Lost its soul! Pray!

Preparing the tribune on Place de la Concorde; for the 14th July celebrations already?


Palais Royal getting ready for the Fete de la Musique Cocktail Party

Mmmmmmh, macaroons!!! gaaaaaaaaahhhh...

Labels: Ads, Architecture shot, Art, gardens, painting, Paris street stuff (NOT a TOILET)
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