"Infotainment? What the hell are you talking about?"

New display at Pompidou Center!

Today was the opening of the National Museum of Modern Art's new display, more precisely the collections from 1960 to contemporary art. The museum changes regularly its displays to offer the public a new range of items of its vast collection, numbering over 60 000 pieces.Le Rhinocéros, 1999 - 2000, by Xavier VeilhanThe very understandable paintings in the minimalist room are back, by popular demand! I think those should actually become the mascots of the museum; they should print them on coffee mugs, fridge magnets and umbrellas... I would buy one!


A work by american artist Jason Rhoades, titled 'la chatte de Beaubourg', 2004

Native australian Tom Kovac's World Trade Center design of 2002 in the architecture section is one of my new favorites in this year's display. Too bad they won't build something like that ! The plasticity is absolutely breathtaking. Read about Kovac and his work.

Lots of chair designs of the 80s, done by popular french designer Philippe Starck are being presented. Starck's goal in chair design was tho create a piece that would be stackable or foldable, and also of low cost, so it could be accessible to anyone.

If ever you are in Paris, don't miss Pompidou out!


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    I am Cedric, discoverer of things that would go unnoticed in the streets of Paris, historic haven of fashionistas and city of lights ('lights' as in 'enlightenment', not street lights).
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